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Everyone with disabilities should have access to opportunities of equity, equality and inclusion. Our apparel line supports the initiative for others to view adults and children with disabilities as being capable, independent, autonomous, creative, innovative and impactful.

"My disability is apart of me, but it doesn't define me. I am a proud entrepreneur! I live in my purpose with no limitations." - Joshua M. #spinabifida
"I have used my strength to do all the things that everyone else does I have graduated from school, I've had many jobs, I have inspired others to be strong through anything. I'm a leader, I'm grateful & happy, I''m accomplished, I am able." - Tyesha M. #cerebralpalsy

Talented individuals
with disabilities have designed
and created these beautiful cards
that you will receive for free with
your purchase and a donation will
be made on your
behalf to support them in getting
wheelchairs & accessing school
New Arrivals